The children of Mariupol
Stern 37/2022
Pages 80 & 81
The children of Mariupol
Stern 37/2022
Pages 82 & 83
The children of Mariupol
Stern 37/2022
Pages 84 & 85
Anastasya, a Ukrainian girl (6 years old). The day before her first day at school. The port of Mariupol can be seen in the background.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Wall marks of an explosion, Rubinova Street.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Vladislav Ryazantsev 12 at the destroyed railway station.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Destroyed building on Arkhip Kuindzhi Street.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Sophia, 7 years old, plays in the backyard in front of destroyed residential buildings on the Steelworkers Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Window mannequins littering the floor in a destroyed fashion gallery on Peace Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Pavel in front of the destroyed building in whose basement he still lives, five months after the end of fightings in Mariupol.
Steelworkers Avenue 109. Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Crater caused by a shelling.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
David and Anna playing in the backyard in front of destroyed apartment building on Steelworkers Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Bus stop on Steelworkers Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Destroyed building of the House of Culture and Youth on Peace Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
The Ryazantsev family in front of their badly damaged house.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Ukrainian family Zaytsev / Tanich.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Interior view of the completely destroyed drama theatre, where several hundred civilian refugees perished.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Siblings Anna (l.), Yelena (m.) and Vladislav Ryazantsev (r.) in their bedroom with two broken windows.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Rear view of the completely destroyed main railway station.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
First year pupil David Rieutov (7) is waiting to get for his first time to class.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Destroyed children bedroom on Italiyska Boulevard.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Nikita 13 (left) and Vladislav 12, skid in the central hall of the completely destroyed railway station.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Sophia. In the basement of this building she took refuge several weeks together with 150 other people.
Building of the Directorate of Railways.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
"Children, children!" Italiyska Boulevard.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
A first year pupil waits to enter a class for the first time at school No 65.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
View of the metallurgical complex "Azov Steel" from the bridge leading to it.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
A child builds sandcastles on a beach. Mariupol harbour can be seen in the background.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Destroyed building on Peace Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Destroyed tram depot.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Nikita and Nikita in front of the Academic Drama Theatre where perished hundreds of civilians.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
First year pupil before he goes into the classroom for the first time.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Destroyed building, Arkhip Kuindzhi Street 53.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Valeriy Ryazantsev 17, in his room.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
"Children" . Entrance (courtyard side) of a building on Peace Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Pupil of the third year.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Behind a bust of the Ukrainian artist Vladislav Korolenko is a destroyed building.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Destroyed pole pointing to Golubenka Street.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Vladislav in front of the entrance to the bomb shelter where he took refuge several weeks, together with his brother, his sisters and 150 other people.
Building of the Directorate of Railways.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Entrance of an underwear shop that has served as a shelter for civilians. On the walls are the words "Children" "People live".
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Interior view of the completely destroyed drama theatre, where several hundred civilian refugees perished.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
First year pupil David Rieutov (7) with his mother Nataliya Rieutova (41).
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
In the new, almost completed school, a bust of Lenin is waiting to be disposed of.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
First year pupils. Call of the pupils.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Man asleep on a bench at the bus stop at Mariupol main railway station.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Vladislav Ryazantsev (12) in front of a crater created by a shelling, on the street where he lives.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
Vladislav Ryazantsev 12, slightly injured (like his brother and sisters) but traumatised by the impact of two 152 mm shells 15 metres from the family home.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.
" Theme of the lesson ", " My story ". In a classroom. First day school No 65.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
The Russian flag flying in a yard of destroyed buildings.
Mariupol, Ukraine. September 2022.
Éric Vazzoler (self-portrait), on Peace Avenue.
Mariupol, Ukraine. August 2022.